Tuesday, 13 January 2009


With a stream of tears rolling down my eyes,I welcome you, Oh! The month of Moharram.

As you change the year of Islamic calendar,You fill the hearts with pain and sorrow;You revive the memory of an unequalled grief,Which offers the hope for a better tomorrow.
With a storm of pride rocking my soul,I welcome you, Oh! The month of Moharram.
Embedded in your name is the glory of my faith,Hidden in your days are the wails and woes;Lying in your lap is the scale of truth,To draw a line between friends and foes.

With an ocean of piety, giving me frenzied thrills,I welcome you, Oh! The month of Moharram.
You witnessed the journey of the Prophet’s family,Who faced death,anguish and agony for Allah’s Sake;The eternal verities which they preserved,All the brutal onslaughts have failed to shake.
“ Haqeeqate abadee hei muqame Shabbeeree,Badalte rahtey hein andaze Kufiyo Shamee.”
(The position of Shabbeer(Hazrat Imam Husain)represents an everlasting reality,Though the ways (of atrocities) of Koofa( Karbala ) andSham( Syria ) keep changing.)

"Sir Dr. Allama Iqbal”
****************************************Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani, All India Muslim Forum Lucknow, UP INDIAsherwanimk@yahoo.com

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