Sunday, 25 January 2009

God in not only for JEW's but for all

These two websites are great resources and will definitely help anyone who takes part in a conversation with a zionist. Even if you're not planning on having tea and cake with a zionist any time soon, the info is still good to know.

Zionists may talk about their 'God given' rights and 'Palestinian acts of terror' but let us talk about facts and statistics....which are verified by international aid agencies and human rights groups.





The first site has links to excellent videos (which can be graphic at times) and photo galleries which are harrowing to say the least.The second is a wonderful site full of charts, graphs and analyses (so good for the techy/maths people among us!)

The last two sites are very coherent (if not so user friendly) at making the distinction betwen Judaism and zionism. It's really important to shake off this 'anti-semitic' tag which is thrown at us when we criticise the state of Israel and in my experience, these sites help us stand on our own when confronted with that slander.

I really hope that Muslim organisations forge links with groups such as Neturei Karta because seeing Jews protest against the attacks in Gaza has really made some previously anti-palestine people in this country question their preconceptions about what's going on and who's to blame.

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