Saturday, 29 March 2008

Honour Killing by Iftikhar Ahmad

Honour Killing

Honour killing and female infanticide come from Pagan-Hindu-Judeo-Christiantraditions. Hindus idolise women as Goddesses on one hand, while downgradingthem on the sly at the same time.

There is nothing in the Holy Quran and theHadiths that may encourage people to kill their daughters. Infact, Islam came to abolish the dark ages of Pagan- Hindu -Judeo- Christian traditions.

Islam is a matter of choice and there is no compulsion at all. It is amisconception that forced marriage and honour killing are part of Muslimculture. Forced marriage, honour killing and genital mutilation are rarepractices among migrant communities.

Muslim migrants are worried aboutinstitutional racism, binge drinking, drug addiction, incivility, gun andknife crimes, high rate of abortions and teen age pregnancies. An average of20 English girls under the age of 16 falls pregnant every day. Muslimparents do not want their children to be integrated into such barbarity.Muslim women feel torn between two cultures, thanks to the British educationsystem with non-Muslim monolingual teachers. It makes their lives veryconfusing.

The tragedy of forced marriage and honour killing could have been avoidedif the poor girls were educated in a single sex state funded Muslim schoolsby female Muslim teachers. Educational attainment rises quite significantlyif boys and girls are educated separately. The tragedies are an eye openerfor all those Muslim parents who send their children to state schools wherethey are exposed to non-Muslim teachers who have no respect for Islamicfaith and Muslim community and do not understand the needs and demands ofthe Muslim children. Muslim schools are crucial for Muslim children becausewestern education makes a man/woman stupid.

The hypocrisy of the Westernsociety is clearly seen whereas an Australian Judge failed to jail ninemales who admitted gang-raping a 10-year old aborigine girl in 2005, sayingthe victim probably agreed to have sex with them and a UNICEF Photo of theyear shows, a bridegroom, 40, with his 11-year old bride in Afghanistan. Inmy opinion, a UNICEF photo of the year must show a nine year British girlhaving a baby and another photo showing a gang of teenage girls withanti-social behaviour and vomiting out side a pub, thanks to binge drinking.Muslim children need state funded Muslim schools with Muslim teachers asrole models during their developmental periods. Muslim schools are thesolutions and not a problem.

They help to strengthen community cohesion, notundermine it. Muslim schools stand as shining beacons of light, serving asone of the most crucial factors which protect Muslim children from theonslaught of Eurocentricism, homosexuality, racism and secular values andtraditions. They need to be well versed in Standard English to follow theNational Curriculum and go for higher studies and research to servehumanity. At the same time they need to be well versed in Arabic, Urdu andother community languages to keep in touch with their cultural roots andenjoy the beauty of their literature and poetry. Muslim schools are not onlyfaith schools but also bilingual schools.

Infact, bilingualism is an assetand not a problem as perceived by the British education system. There is apositive co-relation between language and culture. English language isassociated with western culture. The silent majority of Muslim parents would like to send their children toMuslim schools but there are not enough schools to go by. The onlyalternative left is either British Government should introduce vouchersystem for parents to choose the school of their choice or designate allthose state schools as Muslim community schools where Muslim pupils are inmajority.

There are hundreds of state schools where Muslims are in majority.Such schools may be handed over to Muslim educational Trusts or charitiesfor their management. They are in a better position to educate Muslimchildren in accordance with their needs and demands. This demand is inaccordance with the law of the land because there are state schools alreadymanaged by private companies. Muslim community is not asking for a favour.

It is their legal right.

Iftikhar Ahmad

Thursday, 13 March 2008

Poem - My dad (June 2006)

You held my hand when I waddled as a toddler
You took me to school and calmed me on my first day
You bought my first cycle and thought me to ride
You hid me behind you when my ball broke the kitchen pane
You were proud when I won my first race
You told me off when ever I was late
You taught me right and you taught me wrong
You taught me to love and you taught me to care
You pushed me at school and you pushed me for work
You help me to mature when I was immature
You helped me as a lad and you helped me to be a dad
Where ever I look in my life you were there at my side

Poem - What need be for God (March 2005)

If people can not see the error of their error
and the blind continuously lead the blind,
When man can judge who enter heaven
and condemns his fellow man to hell,
When man take on divine power to punish
and power to forgive,
What need be for God when man becomes God.

But ask man not to breathe and to stop his heart beat
then soon his mortality soon comes back to him,
Ask him to keep his life when he is at his death
or to bring the dead back to life.
Ask man to stop the ticking of the clock or take his time back.
Then for man is a need for God
for man can not do become God.

Monday, 3 March 2008

Defence of Mary - Mother of Christ (peace and blessings of God be upon them)

Taken from -

Re: Documentary "Mary" screened on the evening of 21st December 2002.

This is a time of year in this society for finding peace and hopefully for remembering that there is a higher purpose somewhere in our lives, or that we used to feel this more than we do today. As a Muslim, I felt the need to write to my Christian friends this year to find a common ground - something we are commanded to do in The Qur'aan where God states that we are indeed closest to The Christians.

My thoughts, like yours, are turned towards Jesus (peace be upon him) and his pious mother Mary, may Allaah (God) be pleased with her. Yes, we know that The Muslims and The Christians have different dogmas for the position of Jesus, but it is with respect to Mary, Mother of Jesus, that I wish to find the common ground.

Recently the BBC put out a disgraceful documentary about Mary that was not only a scandal for its complete lack of journalistic credence, based purely on supposition and hypothesis, but an insult to Christians and Muslims alike and obviously timed to heap maximum offence on Christians in the run up to their Christmas celebrations. This shocking lack of charity on the part of the producers shows how insensitive we have become in our pursuit of throwing out all our traditions and history. I would like that all Christians and Muslims contact the BBC with complaints and I enclose information on how to do so at the end of my letter.

But I would also like to make clear to my Christian neighbours and friends the extent of the Muslims' objection to this program and its corrupt conclusions about Mary, a woman who Muslims believe will occupy the highest ranks in paradise and was an especially pious woman well beyond what they accuse her of in this awful documentary.

Muslims are left in no doubt about the gracious position of Mary in the sight of God and in our collective view and our prayers. There is a whole chapter in The Qur'aan called "Mary" that is dedicated to the virgin birth story. There is another chapter "Family of Imran" about the mother and father of Mary and how the birth of Mary was a special blessing to a pious family who raised her to be dedicated in her worship of God, not as some regular street child as criminally portrayed in the documentary. It is from these chapters and some of the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that I wish to make clear the basis for our complaint and to share it with my Christian friends.

Aside from its dramatic historical reconstruction techniques, designed to give credence to unfounded supposition, the program suggested that Mary could have conceived and borne her son Jesus (peace by upon him) in three other ways thus raising suspicion about her being a virgin.

1) It gave air to the idea that she might have conceived due to a secret lover. Although this idea was dismissed in the program, nevertheless this is one of the techniques of Satan. He injects poison into the minds and appears to remove it knowing that the poison's effect will linger on.

2) It suggested rape by a Roman soldier.

3) It suggested as most probable that she actually conceived on account of cohabiting with Joseph.

These are all possible for an ordinary woman, but Allaah tells us clearly that Mary was not any ordinary lady. She was protected, guided and nurtured by Allaah. Allaah frees her as well as her son from the calumnies that come about out of malice or misunderstanding of their special status assigned to them by Allaah. What Allaah tells mankind about her is amazingly simple although incredible to hard-hearted disbelievers who are more content with their own conjecture about the world than the reality told to us by The Almighty, The All-Knowing. But when Allaah speaks on a matter there is no room for conjecture.

Muslims do not doubt that ideas which challenge the information given us by Allaah about Mary are at best wrong and misconceived if not downright malicious lies brewed by the devil. Muslims are free from any need to indulge in shameful thought-play when the truth is made evident by the All-Knowing. It is basic charity to spare fellow humans ignorant confusion regarding those who are declared truly great and good by Allaah. The program producers seem oblivious to such charity, even at this time of year when even the irreligious are inclined towards being charitable.
Those who are too arrogant to admit that they do not know and cannot know better than Allaah will, however, stumble along in their pernicious and unworthy whimsical adventures until perhaps some of them are guided by Allaah to see the errors of their total foolishness. Meanwhile, more harm is heaped on those - Christians and Muslims alike - wishing to follow a pious life in this increasingly secular and materialist society.

Mary was born as a result of ardent prayers by her mother, the wife of Imran, for a child from Allaah. The wife of Imran vowed to dedicate the child (Mary) to His service if she gave birth. When Mary was born she had not been expecting a girl. She asked Allaah to protect Mary as well as her offspring from the evil of Satan. Allaah accepted her supplication as we are told and as we shall see.

When Imran's wife said, "My Lord, I have dedicated to You what is in my womb as an offering. So accept it from me; verily You are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. Then when she gave birth to her she said, "My Lord, I have delivered her, a female [1]" - and Allaah knew better what she gave birth to, and the male is not like the female - "and I have named her Mary and I seek refuge for her with You and for her progeny from Satan, the accursed." So her lord accepted her in favourable response and reared her up in a good rearing; and put her under the care of Zakareeya (a great Prophet, peace by upon him).

Whenever Zakareeya called on her in her chamber he found with her provision (wonderful fruits out of season). He said, "O Mary, from where have you received this?" She said, "It is from Allaah. Verily Allaah gives provision to whomsoever He wills without measure.[2]" [Surah Aal-i-Imran (3): 35-37][3]

Abu Hurairah [4] reports that the Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him) said:

"There is not any new-born baby born except that Satan touches it at birth . So the baby starts crying from being touched by him except MARY AND HER SON (who escaped being molested by the Satan)" [5][Bukhari & Muslim[6]]

Mary could not possibly have had any illicit relationship with anyone because Allaah accepted her well in His service and endowed her with a noble character as she grew. She was entrusted to no less than a prophet, called Zakareeya, which ensured that she had a truly pious and upright guardian. Zakareeya was the husband of her maternal aunt. Allaah looked after her needs and supplied her with food miraculously. This is not a blessing given to the impious or to the one disfavoured by Allaah!

A person spared from the touch of Satan and brought up under the care of a prophet while reared by Allaah with good character can never be suspected of illegitimate relationship, let alone going so far as to conceive a child out of wedlock. This is a serious slander against one of the most chaste of women.

And (remember) when the angels said, "O Maryam! Verily Allaah has chosen you, and PURIFIED you and has selected you over the women of all the beings." [Surah Aal-i-Imran (3): 42]

Only that person who is vile will seek to demean her honour after knowing that Allaah not only chose her but also purified her. Look at the three sayings of the Messenger of Allaah (peace by upon him) below and three distinct and dignified facts will become apparent straight away about this noble, honourable, pious and chaste lady who was known as Mary, mother of Jesus (peace be on him).

Ali reported that the Messenger of Allaah said:

"THE BEST WOMAN (IN HER TIME) was Maryam, daughter of Imran, and the best woman (of the prophet's time) is Khadijah (his wife), daughter of Khuwaylid."[At-Tirmidhi[7]]

Abu Musa al-Ash'ari reports that the Messenger of Allaah said:

"Many men have reached perfection but none from the women have REACHED PERFECTION except Maryam daughter of Imran and Asiyah, the wife of Pharaoh."[At-Tabari[8]]
Ibn Abbas reported that the Messenger of Allaah said:
"The BEST AMONG THE WOMEN OF PARADISE are Khadijah daughter of Khuwaylid, Fatimah daughter of Muhammad, Maryam daughter of Imran and Asiyah daughter of Muzahim, wife of Pharaoh."[Ahmad]

The blessed and final Messenger of Allaah Muhammad (peace by upon him) established once and for all, till the end of time, that Mary was the best women of her time, that she had been a perfect lady, in faith, character and constitution, and that she is amongst the best four women of Paradise. These three facts are confirmed about her by the one sent by Allaah to inform mankind about the Truth. The words of Allaah and His Messenger are more than enough; there is no need for confirmation of revelation by digging up ancient sites looking for scraps of documents on which to speculate using our limited intellects.

(Remember) when the angels said, "O Maryam! Verily, Allaah gives you the glad tidings of a word from Him, his name will be the Messiah, Isa (Jesus), the son of Mary, held in honour in this world and in the Hereafter, and of those who are near to Allaah. He will speak to the people, in the cradle and during manhood, and he will be amongst the nearest to Allaah." She said, "O my Lord! How can there be a son to me and THERE DID NOT TOUCH ME ANY MAN?" He said, "So it will be. Allaah creates what He wills. When He decrees a thing He but says for it 'Be', and it is." [Surah Aal-i-Imran (3): 45-47]

In the above statements Allaah uses the word 'create' instead of the word 'does' as in the narration about Zakareeya in the same chapter verse 40, precisely so that no one can have the evil thought about how she came to be pregnant with her baby Jesus (peace be on him). This verse confirms the virgin birth of Jesus (peace be upon him) and for those who doubt such a miracle then they should not forget that Allaah is able to do all things just as He created Adam (peace be upon him) without neither a mother nor a father!

This verse also confirms the prophethood of Jesus by a unique and stunning miracle. He spoke as a new-born child and defended his mother's honour. This was the only way that the people could understand the miraculous birth was indeed a miracle and that Jesus was in fact a chosen Prophet of Allaah.[9]

This slander of fornication against one of the leading ladies of Paradise started with the Jews of her time. Many scholars have mentioned this and even Christians in the olden times took great exception towards the Jews for their false charge that Jesus (peace by upon him) was an illegitimate child. Allaah cleared her honour and exposed this filthy lie against both her and her pure son Jesus (peace by upon him). It is a great shame that this despicable mentality of accusing the pious and the chaste is coming from some of the very people who you would think would know better! Some of the "expert" historians on this program were Christian, clearly misguided in their beliefs if they can bear witness to such filth against the mother of Jesus, and to collaborate in these lies with Jews who have no time for Jesus and indeed their forefathers tried to kill him. And even today humble Christians are persecuted in Bethlehem whilst some of their brothers foolishly take sides with the Zionist project that brings mayhem to the birthplace of Jesus. Surely my decent Christian friends should reject this unchristian behaviour from these program makers and co-conspirators who seem misguided in their faith along with others who I understand (from a recent poll) are now rejecting the virgin birth under pressure from people who couldn't care less about Christ (peace by upon him).

She said, "Verily, I seek refuge with the Most Gracious from you, if you do fear Allaah." (The angel) said, "I am only a messenger from your Lord, (to announce) to you the gift of a righteous son." She said, "How can I have a son when NO MAN HAS TOUCHED ME AND I AM NOT A FEMALE FORNICATOR?" [Surah Maryam (19): 18-20[10] ]

And MARY the daughter of Imran, who GUARDED HER CHASTITY; and We breathed into her of Our Spirit; and she testified to the truth of the words of her Lord and of His revelations, and WAS ONE OF THE DEVOUT WORSHIPPERS. [Surah At-Tahrim (66): 12[11]

Allaah decreed that one of the greatest prophets be born to Mary and attended to his arrival by many miracles and wonderful happenings. Some of these are mentioned in the noble Qur'aan, some in the authentic words of the Messenger to mankind, Muhammad (peace be upon him) and some from trustworthy scholars and narrators. From her conception of Jesus (peace be on him) while she was still a virgin to that of cattle prostrating, from the miracle of a radiant light emanating to the heavens to that of baby Jesus (peace be on him) defending her mother Mary from her arms, they all support common-sense and human decency that such an arrival of a child cannot but be ascribed to an important and distinguished lady, who is an honour to the entire human race. The words spoken by the baby Jesus (peace be on him) to those who were aghast at the sight of her carrying a child in her arms was enough to quash all attempts to decry her honour. A prophet was always of a noble birth and never the product of an illicit relationship.
Then she brought him to her people, carrying him. They said, "O Mary! Indeed you have brought a horrendous thing. O sister of Harun, your father was not a man who used to commit adultery nor was your mother an unchaste woman!" Then she pointed to him. They said, "How can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle?" He (Jesus) said, "Verily, I am a servant of Allaah, He has given me the scripture and MADE ME A PROPHET. And He has made me blessed wherever I be, and has enjoined on me prayer and charity as long as I live. And to be dutiful to my mother, and made me not arrogant, unblessed. And peace be upon me the day I was born and the day I die and the day I shall be raised alive." [Surah Maryam (19): 27-33]

Thus we understand that Jesus miraculously spoke as a baby and defended his mother. And so as people who love Jesus and Mary, we are obliged to defend them also even though Allaah has no need of anything and He is able to do all things including the defence of His noble messengers and servants.

To defend Mary I urge you to write to the BBC complaining about the program. We should all be ashamed to let the public service broadcast put out this rubbish, so insensitively timed so as to reap maximum offence to Christians in their time of celebration.

To complain to the BBC, write to:
Head of Programme Complaints,BBC Broadcasting House,LondonW1A 1AA
Re: Documentary "Mary" screened on the evening of 21st December 2002.

Ibn Abbas states that the Jews only accepted men into dedicated service.
This was miraculous provision from God to Mary, showing her great

Chapter 3 of The Qur'aan - "The Family of Imran" - verses 35-37.
Abu Hurairah was a great companion of The Prophet Muhammad (peace by upon him)
Note that this touch is not meant that a newborn child has Sin, this is not a concept accepted by Islam.
Bukhari and Muslim are the two most authentic collections of sayings of The Prophet Muhammad (peace by upon him).
Another collection of sayings of The Prophet (peace be upon him)
Another collection of sayings of The Prophet (peace be upon him)
Note that the verse mentions that Jesus (peace be upon him) will speak in manhood, the actual Arabic text indicating old-age. This confirms what is mentioned elsewhere that Jesus will return to The Earth as a major sign of the Day of Judgement approaching. He was taken up to heaven by Allaah in his middle years and this verse mentions he will speak in his later years, confirming that he will return and live for some time (40 years) on The Earth.
Chapter from The Qur'aan called "Mary", verses 18-20.
Chapter from The Qur'aan called "Prohibition" verse 12.
بِِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate


As members of the Muslim community the undersigned individuals and organisations feel the need to communicate our view regarding some of the recently proposed anti-terrorism measures in the aftermath of the London bombings, and address statements made by the Prime Minister in the past few weeks. The British Muslim community has always been a law-abiding community and all its endeavours to create a more just society have been entirely peaceful. We fear that recent events are being exploited by some sections in society to demonise legitimate Islamic values and beliefs and hence consider it appropriate to make the following observations:

The term “extremism”, frequently used in the public discourse about religion and terrorism, has no tangible legal meaning or definition and is thus unhelpful and emotive. To equate ‘extremism’ with the aspirations of Muslims for Shariah laws in the Muslim world or the desire to see unification towards a Caliphate in the Muslim lands, as seemed to be misrepresented by the Prime Minister, is inaccurate and disingenuous. It indicates ignorance of what the Shariah is and what a Caliphate is and will alienate and victimise the Muslim community unnecessarily.

The Muslim community in Britain has unequivocally denounced acts of terrorism. However, the right of people anywhere in the world to resist invasion and occupation is legitimate. Therefore the proposal to criminalise ‘justification’ or ‘validation’ of such self defence appears to be intended to stifle discussion about, and support for, such resistance. Thus anyone even verbally opposing the illegal invasion of Iraq, for example, could in future be made out to be justifying and supporting ‘acts of terrorism’ and prosecuted. We are concerned that these proposed measures are intended to prevent the popular opposition witnessed in the run-up to the Iraq war should the United States wish to attack Iran, Syria or any other sovereign nation in the near future.

It is natural for Muslims to feel sympathy with fellow Muslims elsewhere in the world and to desire justice for those of them living under oppression. Many people compare the Israeli reality with South African apartheid and demand a similar solution. To denounce anybody who questions the legitimacy of Israel will be seen as an attempt to silence academic thought and legitimate political expression. If the government hopes to pander to Zionist pressure by condemning and excluding from this country people who are critical of Israeli apartheid, it is in fact supporting apartheid.

The proposal to ban the non-violent organisation Hizb ut-Tahrir is, in our view, unwarranted, unjust and unwise, and runs counter to all the principles which Western democracies are currently trying to promote abroad. Any disagreement with a political organisation must be expressed through debate not censorship. Whatever objections one may have to someone else’s point of view, we must uphold their right to hold and articulate those views. If it is suggested that any laws have been broken by any individuals or groups then this must be proven by due legal process. Criminalising the mere possession of certain opinions is the hallmark of dictatorships, not democracies.

The same reasoning applies to the proposal to close mosques if they are arbitrarily defined as being ‘extremist’ or to try and politically influence what may or may not be said during a religious talk. This would amount to a collective punishment of the community and will be likely to create fear and prevent legitimate political discussion within mosques. This repression could lead to the very radical sub-culture which we all seek to prevent.

The proposal to deport and/or extradite foreign nationals to countries known for gross human rights abuses is abhorrent to a civilized nation, irrelevant of whether or not a diplomatic assurance that deportees will not be mistreated is obtained. This recent move comes across as a cynical attempt to resolve the problem of dealing with those currently under “control orders” after the judiciary found their continued detention without trial to be unlawful. Given that the alleged bombers on 7 July in London were British nationals, such an exploitation of the events to move against foreign nationals as well as unwanted asylum seekers is indeed shameful.

This list of concerns is not conclusive, but we are putting these issues forward to help prevent a knee-jerk reaction to recent events which would drive a rift between communities in the UK and set the course of British politics onto the slippery slope of intellectual censorship and totalitarianism.

Organisations and Institutions

1. 1990 Trust
2. Alif Recordings
3. Al-Ikhlas Foundation
4. Al-Khair Foundation
5. Al-Khair Educational & Cultural Centre
6. Al-Khair Primary & Secondary School
7. Al-Manaar Muslim Cultural Heritage Centre
8. Amal Trust
9. An-Nisa Society
10. Algerian Community in Britain – Supporters of FIS
11. Association of Muslim Lawyers
12. At-Tawheed Network,
13. At-Tawheed Network Media.
14. At-Tawheed Network Publications
15. Bangla 2000
16. Bangladeshi Community Centre (S Leeds)
17. Bolton Link Youth Forum (BLYF)
18. BHMF – Brighton and Hove Muslim Forum
19. Cageprisoners
20. Centre of Muslim Affairs
21. City Circle
22. Comparative Religion Centre Ltd
23. Council of British Pakistanis
24. Crescent International
25. Ethnic Minorities Representatives Council (EMRC)
26. European representative of World Council of Muslims Inter-faith Relations (WCMIR)
27. Forum Against Islamophobia & Racism (FAIR)
28. Federation of Student Islamic Societies (FOSIS)
29. Friends of al-Aqsa
30. Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain
31. Innovative Minds
32. International Muslims Organisation
33. Islam Channel
34. Islamic Forum Europe
35. Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC)
36. Islamic Observatory Centre
37. Islamic Party of Britain
38. Mindsprings
39. Mosque and Islamic Centre of Harrow
40. Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK
41. Muslim Association of Britain (MAB)
42. Muslim Directory
43. Muslim Council for Religious and Racial Harmony UK
44. Muslim Community Trust, Leyton
45. Muslim Professionals UK
46. Motamar Al Alam Al Islami (World Muslim Congress )
47. Masjid At-Tauwheed, Great Yarmouth
48. Muslim Wefare Association of the Vale of Glamorgan
49. Masjid Ikram al-Muslimeen Barry
50. National Association of British Pakistanis (NABPAK)
51. Norfolk & Suffolk Islamic Mission, Great Yarmouth
52. Norfolk and Fenland Muslims
53. New Civilization Foundation
54. Party for Islamic Renewal
55. Pakistani Resource Centre
56. Pakistan Muslim Organisation (Bolton)
57. Prisoners of the West
58. Q-News
59. Racial Attacks & Harassment Monitoring Association (RAHMA)
60. Ramadhan Foundation
61. Reading Islamic Centre, South Street
62. Reading Muslim Council
63. The Revival Magazine - Voice of the Muslim Youth
64. Salam Magazine
65. Stop Political Terror
66. Sussex Muslim Society Trust UK
67. Thinkers Forum UK
68. UK Islam Mission
69. UK Islam Events and Notices
70. Waltham Forest Islamic Association
71. WF Noor Ul Islam Trust - Leyton
72. World Islamic Propagation Establishment UK

Individuals and Personalities

1. Abu 'Abdissalam Khan - Islamic preacher specialised in Islamic Jurisprudence – London
2. Abdul Haq, President - Ramadhan Radio Bristol
3. Councillor Mohammad Jamil – Conservative Bowling and Bakerend ward Bradford.
4. Councillor Mohammad Idrees (Bolton Cons)
5. Councillor Ismail Ibrahim (Bolton Lab)
6. Councillor Riaz Ahmed – Liberal Democrats Bradford Moor ward.
7. Daud R Matthews ex-Director International Council for Islamic Information
8. Dr Usama Hasan
9. Dr Abduljalil Sajid
10. Dr Rafaqut Rashid – Local GP and executive member of Islamic Cultural Association.
11. Ejaz Ahmed, IT Tutor, Learn Direct
12. Hasan al-Thaqafi - Islam Channel
13. Haji Kamran Bashir – Imam and Khatib of Girlington Mosque.
14. Mr Hamza Soren – Solicitor specialising in discrimination law from Manchester.
15. Imam Shakeel Begg - Kent & Lewisham Islamic Centre
16. Ilyas Sherif, IT Tutor, Learn Direct
17. Khaliq Sharif, IT Tutor, Learn Direct
18. Mohammad Azad Jaral – Chairman Kashmir Art Council UK.
19. Mohammad Jan – Community leader who built 1st Rochdale mosque in 1964.
20. Mr Mohammed Iqbal – Management and Marketing consultant Liverpool.
21. Munir Ahmed – Councillor
22. Dr Muhammad al-Massari
23. M. Hussain – Chairman, Reading Private Hire Association
24. M. Jahmani, Business, Motor Trade
25. Nabeel Ul-Haq - Teacher of Islamic subjects - Croydon
26. Nageeb Khan, Teacher & Imam, Bristol Thaleem Islamic Trust (BTIT)
27. Omair Zaman – Station Manager, Ramadan Radio Reading
28. Refi Abu Rumyasah Teacher of Islamic studies- High Wycombe
29. S.Hassan – Secretary, Sri Lanka Islamic Forum
30. Sajid Varda - Islam Channel Presenter & Businessman
31. Salim Bhorat (Just4Peace
32. Shahid Saddiq- Teacher
33. Shahid Younis – Councillor Reading
34. Sharmeen Suleman - Founder of International Muslims Women's Clothing Company
35. Sheykh Haitham al-Haddad - Shariah Council UK
36. Sheykh Suliman Gani
37. Mr Sikander Mahmood – Chair of Karmand Community Centre, ex-Labour and trade unionist.
38. Yvonne Ridley – Political Editor, Islam Channel


In defence of our Arch Bishop, Dr Rowan Williams - 27th February 2008

Dear Dr Williams.

May the peace and blessings of God be with you.

Having listened to and read your speech and subsequent explanations again and again, there seem to be no doubt your recent comments have been taken out of context. This is reflected in the reactions to your comments which illustrate both the level of ignorance in Britain about the Islamic Sharia, and the near total blindness to the flaws within secular Britain and the harm it has caused to our society, particularly our family life.

In a world filled with cultural conditioning, it is hard to find people to think without prejudging the life of others. You did this because of your faith.

You are aware the Media regularly selects stories that shock. Sadly many become fodder for the ever hungry press with an insatiable appetite for sensational reporting. Without serious thought to the long term affect of what they write and without examining the facts, the press composes, creates and often plants unfavourable and biased picture in the minds of its readers. Then there are those who for their personal interest and gain join in and what we have are "the blind leading the blind".

Now is a very crucial time for our entire community to work together; to use our best endeavours to support each other; and to be tolerant and understanding of the differences which make Britain the truly wonderful country in which we thrive as a multi-cultural society. To be successful in this objective, we will require the willing involvement and participation of all sections of our small but highly-populated country. The establishment of a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural society living in peace and harmony.

There are many aspects of Sharia Law which may be considered side by side as has been done in India to improve relations and bring harmony between the different religious groups. People with limited vision oppose such a debate without realising that the outcome, may result in the finer things from other religions and socio-economic systems, as in current case, may be incorporated for the improvement of our British society.

You are aware the Muslims in Britain are a rich medley of all colours, shapes and sizes. We are as diverse as you can imagine with different cultures and schools of thought that bind our small and individual communities. We are united by our faith that many of us take very seriously and I have no doubt this can be a force for good for our nation. I firmly believe that persons who take their religion seriously are often the best persons to deal with and they mostly turn out to be truthful and honest.

It is worth noting just over 1,400 years ago prophet Mohammad (PBUH) sent the Muslims to Abyssinia because he believed that a just Christian king will look after them and give them shelter. This he did and the Muslims thrived in a foreign land.

In parallel, not long a go our fathers came to Britain, a Christian county which gave them shelter and looked after them. It was here they thrived and were given an opportunity to live their lives according to their religious needs. Here they lived in a manner they could not possible do in their own land.

I admit in the 50’s Britain was not always at its best with signs such as “No Dogs and Indians” doing little to develop harmonious relations but our fathers persevered and today our children who are working in almost every work place are a testament to this. Furthermore who could have guessed over half a century ago that Chicken Tikka Masala” would become our nations favourite dish.

Britain is our country and we reaffirm our conviction in the British values of fair play and the rule of law and we see no incompatibility in these principles with Islam whose fundamental belief include the pursuit of social justice and fairness. Hence it is horrifying to note that actions of a tiny minority, who murder in cold blood, are used to judge and condemn Islam as a whole.

The future of our nation will be cemented in how we dealt with our own people in the past. If it is fair then comments from Dr Bari will seem like scaremongering when he warned us, ("There is a disproportionate amount of discussion surrounding us," he says. "The air is thick with suspicion and unease. It is not good for the Muslim community; it is not good for society." Britain must, he warns, beware of becoming like Nazi Germany) but if not, then our nation will become further divided and we may loose the battle for its soul.

This soul which was constructed by the blood, sweat and tears of our forefathers and it was they who introduced Habeas Corpus & the Magna Carta. People like John lock and John Wesley and men such as John Wilberforce who battled to develop the British way of life, the life of Justice, Integrity and Fairness, so today we can have a better life. If now people try and change this, we should fight them tooth and nail because this is our country and we are lawful citizens of our land.

We do not seek parallel legal systems, nor do we aim to enforce on anyone any particular code or way of life. But we do expect a fair hearing away from the hysteria and the screaming of impending doom from invading hordes; the cutting off of hands, men and women being stoned to death and the compulsory wearing of the Hijab/Niqab, along with other stereotypes.

I welcome your knowledge of Islam and you may recall under the caliphate of Umar bin Khatab, Christianity thrived and Christians looked to the Muslims Khalifa for protection of their community, whilst living in a Muslim land run under Sharia Law.

In Brighton and Hove we have a wonderful set of people working within the interfaith community and amongst these is the Bishop of Chichester: Rt Revd John Hind. I hope soon you will come to visit our little city and give us an opportunity to welcome you and to say thank you personally on behalf of our Muslim community for the just and honourable manner in which you have handled things.

It seems those who have some influence as Muslims and non-Muslims have now proven to be incapable of creating a positive dialogue and so it is down to those of us at the grassroots level, to dispel the misconceptions, neutralise the hatred and dissolve the extremist views. In Islam there is no room for extremism and God almighty warns us about it in the Qur’an regarding it.

During these controversial times we feel greatly re-assured that we have a person of your understanding and experience to deal with the numerous sensitive issues which keep on arising.

I would like to assure you as a Muslim of my continuous support in achieving your goals of maintaining harmonious relations within our communities of diverse ethnic and religious groups.

May the peace and blessing of God be with you.